How to retrieve all Variables from a Twig Template

Just had to figure out how to retrieve all variables from a Twig Template. Of course there is a DebugExtension which allows me to use {{ dump() }} in template. But I couldn’t use it because I wasn’t rendering my template. Here is a scenario…

If you try to render template without passing expected variables, Twig will throw an exception. You can, of course, handle it in template by checking if variable is defined in current context, but some variables might by required and because users can define their own templates, this is not so obvious to do. We have decided to validate users request and check if all variables were send. We have template content, so we can always write awesome regular expression for that right? Well, not really. It would be better to use Twig for that.

When Twig creates a template it create small chunks defined as Twig\Node\Node objects which are used later for render. Expressions, like {{ variable }}, are defined as Twig\Node\PrintNode which has its own nodes. Here we can have Twig\Node\Expression\NameExpression if variables are just printing, Twig\Node\Expression\FilterExpression if we use filters on variables and Twig\Node\Expression\FunctionExpression for function usage. Each of those Expressions can help us retrieve variable name which is contained in name attribute of that Expression. Enough said, lets dig in to code.

class TemplateVariablesVisitor implements NodeVisitorInterface
    private array $params = [];

    public function params(): array
        return $this->params;

    public function leaveNode(Node $node, Environment $env): ?Node
        return $node;

    public function getPriority(): int
        return 0;

    public function enterNode(Node $node, Environment $env): Node
        if (!$node->hasNode('body')) {
            return $node;

        $bodyNodes = iterator_to_array($node->getNode('body')->getNode('0')->getIterator());

        $this->params = array_unique(array_reduce($bodyNodes, function (array $carrier, Node $node) {
            if ($node instanceof PrintNode) {
                $carrier = array_merge($carrier, $this->handleNode($node));

            return $carrier;
        }, []));

        return $node;

    private function handleNode(PrintNode $node): array
        $expression = $node->getNode('expr')->getNode('node');
        if ($expression instanceof NameExpression) {
            return [$this->handleNameExpression($expression)];
        if ($expression instanceof FilterExpression) {
            return [$this->handleFilterExpression($expression)];
        if ($expression instanceof FunctionExpression) {
            return $this->handleFunctionExpression($expression);

    private function handleNameExpression(NameExpression $expressionNode): string
        return $expressionNode->getAttribute('name');

    private function handleFilterExpression(FilterExpression $expressionNode): string
        return $expressionNode->getNode('node')->getAttribute('name');

    private function handleFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression $expressionNode): array
        $arguments = iterator_to_array($expressionNode->getNode('arguments')->getIterator());
        $variables = [];
        foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
            if ($argument instanceof NameExpression) {
                $variables[] = $this->handleNameExpression($argument);
            if ($argument instanceof FilterExpression) {
                $variables[] = $this->handleFilterExpression($argument);
            if ($argument instanceof FunctionExpression) {
                $variables = array_merge($variables, $this->handleFunctionExpression($argument));

        return $variables;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Loader\ArrayLoader;
use Twig\Node\Node;
use Twig\Node\PrintNode;
use Twig\NodeVisitor\NodeVisitorInterface;

$twig = new Environment(new ArrayLoader());
$visitor = new TemplateVariablesVisitor();

$template = <<<TWIG
simple variable {{ variable1 }}
multiline {{ variable2 }}

filters {{ variable3|upper }}
functions {{ max(variable1, variable2|upper, min(variable3)) }}


array(3) {
  [0] =>
  string(9) "variable1"
  [1] =>
  string(9) "variable2"
  [2] =>
  string(9) "variable3"

This is not very pretty solution, but it works just fine on Symfony v5.0 and Twig v3.0.

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